Desobedeça [Disobey]
Danilo Cunha
Opening: 04/29
Exhibition period: 04/29 to 05/27/2023

Danilo Cunha presents an aesthetic that has as one of its main axes the reuse of materials. What is discarded by society, such as banners, used and empty packaging and leftover advertisements, which still retain traces of their pasting on walls or poles, are starting points for various types of intervention.
Collages, tags, pixo and stencils are incorporated into these remnants of consumer society and used critically. Thus, they generate in the observer a reflection on an existence in which the ability to have objects is overvalued. By working with what society no longer wants, the artist proposes the construction of another way of thinking.
In parallel with this appropriation of advertising to generate an empowered visual discourse about what it means to be an artist and make art in today’s society, Danilo Cunha immerses himself, through photography and other techniques, in the universe of homeless people. It is a universe in which garbage, what is considered dirty and absences are paradoxically omnipresent.
The artist created mini-installations in abandoned places, revealing a forgotten, abandoned and unofficially invisible underworld in the metropolises. By using used mirrors and adding words and photos to them, he strengthens the proposal of aesthetic disobedience, opening portals and creating renewed personal, social and environmental relationships.
Oscar D’Ambrosio