

Alê Espaço de Arte invests in opening channels for creative expression to manifest itself, reaching more and more people.

Current Exhibition

- by zweiarts

Microterritories symbolize continuous cycles of invasion, occupation and appropriation” C.S.

In this solo exhibition Claudio exposes some important contemporary debates: the undue demarcation of territories and invasions by miners, in the lands belonging to the original peoples and with this the threat of the extinction of their villages, lands and ethnicities.

Past Exhibitions

Romper da Carne [Break the Flesh]
- by zweiarts

The research process and production of Thatiana Cardoso can be understood as this terrain where the clash with the Angel of the House takes place and becomes explicit and breaks the flesh of this ghost.

Fragmentos Ressignificados [Resignified Fragments]
- by zweiarts

Alê Espaço de Arte is pleased to host the solo exhibition “Fragmentos Ressignificados” by Argentine artist Silvio Fischbein, a partnership between Espaço Alê and Imaginário Galeria de Buenos Aires.

Escalas em uma Paisagem Humana [Scales in a human landscape]
- by zweiarts

Each artist participating in this exhibition meditates on how subjects remove themselves from their surroundings and reaffirm themselves both in their uniqueness and in the community in which they live.

Recalculando a Rota [Recalculating the Route]
- by zweiarts

Alê Espaço de Arte is happy to announce the opening of the solo exhibition by visual artist, singer and composer Fábio Leão.

Achamentos [Findings]
- by zweiarts

At the “Achamentos” exhibition, you will discover the hidden magic and beauty of discarded materials that gain new life in the works of Thomaz Schetty (Totó).

Um céu [A sky]
- by zweiarts

At the “Achamentos” exhibition, you will discover the hidden magic and beauty of discarded materials that gain new life in the works of Thomaz Schetty (Totó).

Pra dar Bandeira [To show a flag]
- by zweiarts

To show a flag is to show, in a silly way, something that should be hidden. Almost inadvertently.

Desobedeça [Disobey]
- by zweiarts

Danilo Cunha presents an aesthetic that has as one of its main axes the reuse of materials.

Ecos Importunos [Nagging Echoes]
- by zweiarts

In the not so distant future
futuristic cosmonauts
You will find the clues
From Eve.

Enquanto canto, nunca parede [While corner, never wall]
- by zweiarts

Enquanto canto, nunca parede plays with the playful sense of the phrase-work and encourages the association in the language.

- by zweiarts

Alê Espaço de Arte in partnership with Casa Contemporânea brings 31 artists to present works in small format.

Traços do Tempo [Traces of time]
- by zweiarts

Paola Mendizabal discusses her story and her time. What time and stories would those be? One can relate to the one who amplifies the artist’s life in her displacements…

O Fim Secreto de Todas as Coisas [The Secret End of All Things]
- by zweiarts

O Fim Secreto de Todas as Coisas is an exhibition that links aesthetics and memory. If death is inescapable for humanity, oblivion will not be its legacy.

Aqui mesmo onde me encontro [Right here where I find myself]
- by zweiarts

As a verse to be interpreted, Ana Rey’s work reminds me of a strong connection to haiku: a poem of Japanese origin that is characterized by conciseness and brevity.

Hierofania [Hierophany]
- by zweiarts

The exhibition Hierofania deals with the manifestation of the sacred in the concrete world through symbols. The sacred as a function of giving meaning to profane things, the symbols as a link that connects the two worlds.

Ecos Urbanos [URBAN ECOS]
- by zweiarts

We are very proud to present Ecos Urbanos, a commemorative exhibition of Alê Espaço de Arte with the participation of artists from Projeto Portão, which boosted Alê Espaço de Arte in its formation.

- by zweiarts

The exhibition is an extension of Do write (right) to me, an exhibition that has already been shown in spaces in New York and Miami and is now also in São Paulo, taking place in parallel with Traffic(o).

Monumento à efemeridade impermanência [Monument to Ephemeral Impermanence]
- by zweiarts

Humanity has been looking for something that lasts for a long time. In spite of the world being impermanent, in spite of all the world that breathes, has breathed or will breathe beneath the heavens is rotating at approximately 5,400 km/h around the earth’s axis.

Animal Planet
- by zweiarts

Monique Huerta’s research revolves around fitting objects in their non-binary connectivities and the possibility of sculpture as a living potential for contact.

“O ar que eu não seguro” [“The Air I Can’t Hold”]
- by zweiarts

The act of painting is intimate, the gesture is an indication of existence and it is through this that the psychic correspondence between the artist and the work materializes. The connection between mind, body and brush is direct and constant.

- by zweiarts

Alê Espaço de Arte in partnership with Casa Contemporânea brings 27 artists to present works in small format.

Situação de Risco [Risk Situation]
- by zweiarts

Paraphrasing the title of an old film “The Year We Live in Danger” (1982, Peter Weir), 2020-2021 are years in which the world as we knew it turned into chaos due to the Covid-19 pandemic leaving its trail of death, uncertainty and fear.

- by zweiarts

“Firm, immobile, exposed to atmospheric phenomena to the point of being confused with them. Suspended in the air without any effort, without having to contract a single muscle. Being a bird, unable to fly. (…)

CO YBY ORÉ RETAMA – Essa Terra é o Nosso Lugar [CO YBY ORÉ RETAMA – This Land is Our Place]
- by zweiarts

Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto is the heir of indigenous grandparents from the villages of Inhampuambaçu who were silenced by the colonial city of São Paulo …

Isolamento [Isolation]
- by zweiarts

The ISOLATION exhibition seeks to think about the limitations imposed on the individual in the name of the common good, in the name of a higher authority, in the name of the exercise of conscience.

Memento Mori
- by zweiarts

With great satisfaction, we announce the inauguration of the new headquarters of Alê Espaço de Arte and the opening of the Memento Mori exhibition next Saturday, 04/24, at Rua California 706, Brooklin-SP.

Exposição Tombamento | Alexandra Ungern [Tipping Exhibition | Alexandra Ungern]
- by zweiarts

“Tombamento” is a series of works that was developed from the experience at the W. Artistic residency in Ribeirão Preto, under the guidance of the artist Elcio Miazaki.

Contingências da memória [Memory contingencies]
- by zweiarts

Memory is what gives body to history. Whether it’s the grand narrative of human peoples across the globe or whether it’s the small daily narratives created by the experience of living…

- by zweiarts

Alê Espaço de Arte in partnership with Casa Contemporânea, and Galeria Imaginario (Argentina), invite you to the opening of the annual exhibition Bazarte.

E o resto do mundo? Ou ouvir outras vozes [And the rest of the world? Or hear other voices]
- by zweiarts

Is the rest of the world contained in the body constructed by these works, or is it the works that are contained in our daily struggles and bravados?

Ann Tarantino | Landscape languages
- by zweiarts

Ann lives and works in the United States (Pennsylvania) where she works as an assistant professor of visual arts and director of the Woskob Gallery at Penn State University.

BazArte de 100 à 1000
- by zweiarts

Alê Espaço de Arte in partnership with Casa Contemporânea and Galeria Tato invite you to the opening of Bazarte 100 à 1000. There are more than 45 artists who present works in small format, priced between R$100.00 and R$1000.00.

Como se constrói o tempo [How time is built]
- by zweiarts

More than a given, time is a perception. A logical deduction within remarkable cycles of the natural universe.

Estado de exceção [State of exception]
- by zweiarts

The works that Fábio Leão presents in the exhibition “Estado de Exception” show a surprising political shift in his research.

Quando Menos [When Less]
- by zweiarts

Alê Espaço de Arte presents the exhibition “When Less” by the collective of seven photographers who explore the subject of portraiture and challenge themselves to produce images with minimal elements in their compositions…

Travessias Assimétricas: escrita e movimento [Asymmetric crossings: writing and movement]
- by zweiarts

How to cross together the asymmetries of a journey whose course is uncertain?

QG Anônimos [QG Anonymous]
- by zweiarts

LAB570’s new project, QG: Anônimos, focuses on an experimental exhibition, aimed at the unfolding of artistic works still in process…

- by zweiarts

In different media, the works investigate the challenges and potential of the urban space that welcomes us.

Tiago Marchitiello
- by zweiarts

During my residency, I had the opportunity to share ideas, and it’s amazing how ideas organize themselves when we discuss them out loud.

O discurso do método [The discourse of method]
- by zweiarts

The exhibition is the result of discussions by the project follow-up group at Alê Espaço de Arte, with critic and curator Paulo Gallina.

Dar a Ver pelo encontro [Show up for the meeting]
- by zweiarts

Linda Nochlin addresses these questions in Why there were no great women artists?, an article written in 1971 and only translated into Portuguese this year.

Geração Processual [Procedural Generation]
- by zweiarts

In “Procedural Generation”, Fernando Pereira Gomes presents, starting on July 7th at Alê Espaço de Arte, a series of images taken in the digital city of Los Santos in the video game “Grand Theft Auto V.”

- by zweiarts

Improbable poses, iconic gestures and cross-eyed and curious eyes, sometimes ironic, almost reveal a false naivety of these characters.

Isto não é o paraíso [This is not paradise]
- by zweiarts

Improbable poses, comic gestures and cross-eyed and curious looks, sometimes ironic, almost reveal a false naivety of these characters.

O saber da linha [The knowledge of the line]
- by zweiarts

A line can be many things. For mathematics, it will be an infinite set of points; for geometry, the perimeter of a curve of infinite radius; in a text it can be the formalization of the argument; while for drawing this element of representation would be the structure of forms.

Sobre o que existe ao redor [About what’s around]
- by zweiarts

Technology in constant development exerts a certain fascination on people, as if the existence of things depended on a “click” or a “touch” on the screens of cell phones, tablets or notebooks.

Aproximações, Distanciamentos [Approximations, Distances]
- by zweiarts

The existence of approximations between artistic paths has always been a recurrent subject.