Monumento à efemeridade impermanência
[Monument to Ephemeral Impermanence]
Agnes Kilzer | Alexandra Ungern | Claudio Souza | Cris Canepa | Denise Homsi | Dolly Michailovska | Erica Iassuda | Luciana Boaventura | Olavo Tenório | Rosa Grizzo | Rosana Spagnuolo | Tuca Chicalé Galvan | Vitoria Kachar.
Paulo Gallina
Exhibition period: from 03/12 to 04/02/2022

Caetano sings: “Everybody knows that our cities were made to be ruins”[1].
Humanity has been looking for something that lasts for a long time. Although the world is impermanent, despite all the world that breathes, breathed or will breathe below the heavens [below this sky] is rotating at approximately 5,400 km/h (five thousand four hundred kilometers per hour) around the axis of the earth.
For a long time now, humanity has been looking for something that is unchanging, something that – albeit in vain – will resist time and collectively unify us as human beings. A superior and abstract force that equates us as beings trapped with builders of the human condition since the dawn of time.
And, Caetano reminds us [God only knows how long after the first dawn seen by men]: everything is impermanence. Nothing lasts and tender youth always leads to the hardness – which must also be gentle – of old age.
This exhibition does not seek anything lasting. She promotes an experience and then disappears. Resisting only in memory[2]. Resisting between the effort to remember and the will to forget, these landscapes speak of the delicacy that can be lost due to the hardness of life; these portraits speak of how much you can dream regardless of what you have at hand. And so, in this simple argument, we close our premise and, anxiously await your answer.
[1]. I’m paraphrasing.
[2]. Which, to some extent, is nothing more than an autobiographical fiction carried in the mortal mind.