R. Trompaz
Painting on a gate or wall using the SSGE theme, which is part of the research by São Paulo artist R. Trompaz. The work can be done in black on a white background, or in white on a black background.
R. Trompaz (1988), was born and raised in São Paulo. He is a visual artist, designer and illustrator. Graduated in Graphic Design from Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo. As a child, he had his first contact with the arts on a Community Action course in Brazil, due to his commitment, he won a scholarship to study drawing on weekends at MuBE – Museu Brasileiro da Escultura e Ecologia, all in a short time after starting elementary school.
He was the winner of the art contest held by Volcom (a Californian clothing brand) in Brazil, called Volcom ’s Sub-Mission Tour 2006/2007, in the Volcomiczine Contest category, presenting a fanzine made with a ballpoint pen. Curious and observant since he was a child, he found art to be the best way to express countless forms of inequality, which are very much alive in his mind.
R. Trompaz uses art (painting, drawing, illustration) as a means of expression and social criticism, giving a voice to the less favored classes, through the Geographically Open Social Segregation (SSGE) project.
Projeto Portão 2023