Positioning of the Artist in the Art Market

Positioning of the Artist in the Art Market
October 2, 2019 zweiarts

Positioning of the Artist in the Art Market

with Andrey Zignnatto, Julie Belfer and Tamara Perlman

November 2 (Saturday)
Hours: 4pm to 6pm
Investment: BRL 90.00

Address: Rua São Sebastião, 570 – Santo Amaro
(next metro line Lilac – Borba Gato)

This lecture proposes a reflection on the current art market from the point of view of an artist (Andrey Zignnatto), an art consultant (Julie Belfer,) and an art fair director (PARTE- Tamara Perlman).

Speakers will address the following topics, among others:

  • the preparation of the artist for institutional circuits and the art market at this moment in which the country is experiencing
  • which important pillars to start an art collection and the profile of the current collector
  • what is the role of art fairs for the artist, the collector and the galleries

To reserve your spot, please make a deposit and send the receipt to atelieale@alespacodearte.com

CNPJ: 23.139.679/0001-08

Agency: 3169
Checking account: 12389-4

Ale Atelier
Rua São Sebastião, 570 – Sto. Amaro Sao Paulo – SP
(11) 2548 – 8508 / atelieale@alespacodearte.com