Where are the Negros_
Lecture with Claudinei Roberto da Silva
Alê Espaço de Arte and e @claudinei_robertosilva invite you to the lecture: “Where are the Negrxs? The circulation of Afro-Brazilian artistic production”
Thursday 06/25
7 pm
Entrance fee: a voluntary donation to O NÚCLEO ASSISTENCIAL ANJOS DA NOITE – an association that distributes food to homeless people.
AG 1812-0
CC 940709-0
CNPJ 67.637.231/0001-81
Claudinei Roberto da Silva was born in 1963 in São Paulo, he is a visual artist, curator and professor of Art Education at the Dept. of Art at the University of São Paulo. In education, he worked in several institutions, having been Education coordinator at the Museu Afro Brasil, he worked at Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, Paço das Artes, MIS São Paulo, MAC USP. Pedagogical Artistic Coordinator of the project “A Journey through African diaspora” of the American Alliance of Museums partnership between Museu Afro Brasil and Prince George African American Museum. Among other curatorships: “13th edition of Bienal Naïfs do Brasil” at SESC Piracicaba with Clarissa Diniz and Sandra Leibovici 2016, “PretAtitude. Insurgencies, emergencies and affirmations in contemporary Afro-Brazilian art” 2017/20 for several units of Sesc SP, in addition to “O Banzo, o amor e a Cozinha lá de casa” by artist Sidney Amaral, Museu Afro Brasil 2014. Scholarship holder of the “International Visitor Leadership Program” Depto. of State by the Government of the United States in 2011. He has works at the National Museum of Afro-Brazilian Culture – MUNCAB in Salvador, Bahia.