Introduction Drawing and Painting Techniques

Introduction Drawing and Painting Techniques
August 6, 2022 zweiarts

Introduction Drawing and Painting Techniques

The course, in a continuous way, proposes to accompany the students in their journey of exploring the art of painting. Through exercises, work proposals, technical guidance and stimulation of individual expression, a creative and stimulating studio environment will be sought, where each participant will be able, with technical and artistic support from the teacher, to initiate and explore the languages of painting according to their interests and skills.

Topics to be covered:
Introduction to the use of materials – watercolor, acrylic paint, oil paint, India ink, pigments, paper, canvas and support tools,

Technical basis: demonstration and exercise of painting materials, processes and tools;

Theoretical basis: introduction to topics in the history of painting through the observation and study of artistic works and movements.

– Exercising and language research: practical painting exercises involving the topics covered above, as well as questions related to inspiration, themes and individual expression from each participant’s repertoire.


Clarissa Mendes (1979) – Visual artist and art educator. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP, with a full degree in Fine Arts, training in Artistic Painting (Visual Art School Basel – CH), specialization in Fundamentals of Culture and Arts (IA UNESP) and Master’s in Arts (IA UNESP). Since 2005 she has taught art classes (painting, drawing, modeling, history of art) for young people and adults and is currently a professor at the undergraduate course in pedagogy at Rudolf Steiner College. She maintains authorial research in Visual Arts, especially in painting, drawing and engraving, having participated in salons and group exhibitions since 2012. She lives and works in São Paulo.

It is not included in the monthly fee.

Alê Espaço de Arte offers basic material to start.

Obs.: it is advisable for the participant to bring an apron and/or clothing suitable for working with paints.

(11) 2548-8508


Não está incluso no valor da mensalidade.
Alê Espaço de Arte oferece material básico para início.
Obs.: é aconselhável o participante trazer avental e/ou roupa própria ao trabalho com tintas.


(11) 2548-8508