Workshop Miriã Cavalcanti
Ateliê Alê opens registration for the portfolio assembly workshop for public notices with Miriã Cavalcanti.
About the Workshop:
Aimed at artists and photographers who wish to participate in art events such as public notices for salons, residences and exhibitions. This lecture proposes a reflection on how to organize, edit and present work in the visual arts. Discussions will be held and challenges will be presented in order to bring up issues related to the development of each personal project.
- how to search publications
- how registrations and selections work
- how the artist should select his works and how to present them
- orientation, elaboration and assembly of portfolio (biography, CV, images and selection of works, texts about the work and the artist.
Investment: BRL 50.00
Date and times (both classes will have the same content):
August 12th
Group 1: from 10 am to 1 pm
Group 2: from 3 pm to 6 pm
About Miriam Cavalcanti:
Graduated from FAAP in visual arts, member of the Culture Forum and Professor at the Pandora School of Arts in Campinas, SP. She participated as a member of the Selection and Award Jury of the XXIX Salão Almeida Jr. – APAP Piracicaba/SP 2017.
Registrations: forms/d/1Of2ZMccAT1lFT7ixakkpU7n8BLd826MezUN3La1KNgY
To reserve your place, please deposit the cost of the workshop and send the proof to [email protected]