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Alê Espaço de Arte, located in São Paulo, promotes an artist residency program that offers space and resources for artists to develop their projects in an inspiring and vibrant environment, providing the opportunity of total immersion in creative processes and local culture. In addition, there is the possibility of sharing and interacting with other artists, curators, and other art-spaces, promoting an enriching and collaborative dialogue.

Our art-space, with over ten years of existence, is in the neighborhood called Brooklin. Has easy access to subway and buses to all locations in São Paulo and is full of houses, buildings, stores, markets, and a large store specializing in art articles, just two blocks away. An interesting historical fact of this very vibrant neighborhood is that, at the end of the 19th century, a train line where the wagons were pulled by animals passed through here and connected the center of São Paulo to the then municipality of Santo Amaro. A perfect neighborhood in the city of São Paulo to investigate and be seduced.

At this moment, we don’t offer housing, but we can assist in the search for accommodations around the region

The artist-in-residence receives a studio and the support of our team that will accompany the project, indicate places to find research material, contact other artists, ateliers, galleries and indicate cultural events.

At the end of the residency, Alê Espaço de Arte offers its exhibition space for a period of one week to be occupied with the presentation of the project developed during the residency.

The residency period may be 30, 60 or 90 days and the result of artistic research during this period will be displayed in our gallery space. All works produced during the residency are the property of the artist.

Residência Artística
Talk to us

“Alê Espaço de Arte has become a very interesting initiative in the artistic aspect, as it is one of the few spaces in the city that are committed to presenting, analyzing and encouraging, in the form of curatorships, the production of artists at the beginning of their careers.”

— Fabio Leão, artist

The Residency program includes:

  • free access to the 24-hour workshop
  • shared or individual studio
  • closet for materials
  • follow-up of the project under development by a curator(optional)
  • physical research material (books)
  • Wi-Fi

Presentation of the research material in the exhibition space at the end of the residency period.

Residents • 2022
Residents • 2018
Residents • 2017
Residents • 2016