-Improbable poses, iconic gestures and cross-eyed and curious eyes, sometimes ironic, almost reveal a false naivety of these characters.
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Isto não é o paraíso [This is not paradise]
-Improbable poses, comic gestures and cross-eyed and curious looks, sometimes ironic, almost reveal a false naivety of these characters.
O saber da linha [The knowledge of the line]
-A line can be many things. For mathematics, it will be an infinite set of points; for geometry, the perimeter of a curve of infinite radius; in a text it can be the formalization of the argument; while for drawing this element of representation would be the structure of forms.
Sobre o que existe ao redor [About what’s around]
-Technology in constant development exerts a certain fascination on people, as if the existence of things depended on a “click” or a “touch” on the screens of cell phones, tablets or notebooks.
Aproximações, Distanciamentos [Approximations, Distances]
-The existence of approximations between artistic paths has always been a recurrent subject.