“O ar que eu não seguro” [“The Air I Can’t Hold”]
-The act of painting is intimate, the gesture is an indication of existence and it is through this that the psychic correspondence between the artist and the work materializes. The connection between mind, body and brush is direct and constant.
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-“Firm, immobile, exposed to atmospheric phenomena to the point of being confused with them. Suspended in the air without any effort, without having to contract a single muscle. Being a bird, unable to fly. (…)
CO YBY ORÉ RETAMA – Essa Terra é o Nosso Lugar [CO YBY ORÉ RETAMA – This Land is Our Place]
-Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto is the heir of indigenous grandparents from the villages of Inhampuambaçu who were silenced by the colonial city of São Paulo …
Isolamento [Isolation]
-The ISOLATION exhibition seeks to think about the limitations imposed on the individual in the name of the common good, in the name of a higher authority, in the name of the exercise of conscience.
Exposição Tombamento | Alexandra Ungern [Tipping Exhibition | Alexandra Ungern]
-“Tombamento” is a series of works that was developed from the experience at the W. Artistic residency in Ribeirão Preto, under the guidance of the artist Elcio Miazaki.
Contingências da memória [Memory contingencies]
-Memory is what gives body to history. Whether it’s the grand narrative of human peoples across the globe or whether it’s the small daily narratives created by the experience of living…
-Alê Espaço de Arte in partnership with Casa Contemporânea, and Galeria Imaginario (Argentina), invite you to the opening of the annual exhibition Bazarte.
E o resto do mundo? Ou ouvir outras vozes [And the rest of the world? Or hear other voices]
-Is the rest of the world contained in the body constructed by these works, or is it the works that are contained in our daily struggles and bravados?
Ann Tarantino | Landscape languages
-Ann lives and works in the United States (Pennsylvania) where she works as an assistant professor of visual arts and director of the Woskob Gallery at Penn State University.
BazArte de 100 à 1000
-Alê Espaço de Arte in partnership with Casa Contemporânea and Galeria Tato invite you to the opening of Bazarte 100 à 1000. There are more than 45 artists who present works in small format, priced between R$100.00 and R$1000.00.